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Securing Your WordPress Website: Best Practices and Tips

WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (cms) in the world, powering millions of websites. While WordPress is a secure platform out of the box, there are still steps you can take to further secure your website. In this article, we will share a step-by-step guide on how to secure your WordPress website.

Image Source: Pixabay

Before we get started, it’s important to note that not all security threats to your WordPress website are created equal. Some security threats, like brute force attacks, can be easily mitigated with the right tools and configuration. Other threats, like zero-day vulnerabilities, require constant vigilance and may never be totally eliminated.

Ultimately, the goal of securing your WordPress website is to make it as difficult as possible for someone with malicious intent to gain access to or disrupt your site. By taking a proactive approach to security, you can greatly reduce the chances of becoming a victim of a targeted attack.

Backing up your WordPress site regularly

​backing up your WordPress site is important to do on a regular basis. There are many plugins available that can help you with this, but it's important to choose one that will work well for you and your site. Here are some tips to help you choose the right plugin:

1. Make sure the plugin is compatible with your version of WordPress.

2. Choose a plugin that offers scheduled backups so you don't have to remember to do it manually.

3. Consider a plugin that offers both local and remote backups, in case something happens to your server or hosting account.

4. Make sure the plugin is regularly updated so it remains compatible with new WordPress releases and security updates.

Once you've chosen a backup plugin, be sure to test it out before relying on it for critical data. Restore a backup to a staging environment or locally on your own computer to make sure everything works as expected. If possible, set up automatic backups so you don't have to worry about forgetting to run them manually.

Using a secure password and two-factor authentication

​as a WordPress user, it’s important to take steps to ensure your site is as secure as possible. One of the most basic and important things you can do is to choose a strong password and enable two-factor authentication (2fa). In this post, we’ll discuss why these measures are important and how you can go about implementing them.

Why use a secure password?

A strong password is one of the best defenses against unauthorized access to your WordPress account. By choosing a password that’s difficult to guess or crack, you make it much less likely that someone will be able to gain access to your site without your permission.

Unfortunately, many people still use weak passwords that are easy for hackers to guess. In fact, “123456” and “password” are still among the most popular passwords in use today. If you’re using either of these (or any other easily guessed password), it’s time to change it immediately!

How to create a strong password

When creating a new password, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

Avoid common words and phrases. This includes dictionary words, names,

Keeping WordPress and plugins updated

​WordPress is a content management system (cms) that enables you to create a website or blog from scratch, without having to learn to code. It is one of the most popular site-building platforms on the internet, powering over 30% of all websites. 

One of the benefits of using WordPress is that it is relatively easy to keep your site secure and updated. However, because WordPress is open-source software, it is also vulnerable to attacks by hackers. This means that it’s important to take measures to secure your WordPress site and keep it up-to-date. 

In this post, we’ll share why keeping WordPress updated is important and how you can do it easily with our plugin automatic updates manager.

Why keeping WordPress updated is important 

WordPress releases security updates on a regular basis in order to patch any vulnerabilities that have been discovered since the last update. These updates are crucial for keeping your site safe from hacking attempts. In fact, 85% of hacked WordPress sites were running an outdated version of WordPress at the time of the attack. 

Updates not only apply to the core software but also to plugins and themes. Theme and plugin developers also regularly release updates with new features

Installing SSL certificate to enable HTTPS
​what is SSL and why do I need it?

SSL (secure sockets layer) is a protocol that provides security for communication over the internet. It does this by encrypting data that is transferred between a web server and a web browser. 

When you install an SSL certificate on your website, visitors will see a padlock icon in their browser address bar, which lets them know that their connection to your site is secure. In addition, when they enter any sensitive information on your site (such as credit card details), they can be confident that this information will remain private and will not be intercepted by anyone else.

Why should I install an SSL certificate on my WordPress site?

If you run a WordPress site, there are several good reasons to install an SSL certificate:

1. Security – as we mentioned above, one of the main benefits of ssl is improved security for your website. By installing an SSL certificate, you can help protect your website and your users from hackers and cybercriminals.

2. Google ranking – google gives preference in its search results to websites that are secured with HTTPS. So if you want to improve your SEO and get ahead of your competitors, installing an SSL certificate is a good

Restricting access to the wp-admin area

​one of the most important things you can do to secure your WordPress site is to restrict access to the wp-admin area. By default, anyone who knows your WordPress login URL can try to log in and gain access to your site. This is a big security risk, especially if you have a weak password.

There are a few ways you can restrict access to the wp-admin area. One way is to use a plugin to limit login attempts. This plugin will limit the number of login attempts someone can make before they are locked out. This helps prevent brute force attacks, where someone tries to guess your password by trying thousands of different combinations.

Another way to restrict access to the wp-admin area is by changing your WordPress login URL. By default, the login URL is /wp-admin/. You can change this using a plugin like wps hide login. Once you change your login URL, anyone who tries to go to /wp-admin/ will be redirected away from your site. They won’t even know that there’s a WordPress site there unless they already know your new login URL.

You can also add an extra layer of security by requiring two-factor authentication when logging into your WordPress

Disabling file editing in the wp dashboard

​it's no secret that WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems in the world. A large part of its popularity is due to its ease of use, which includes a simple dashboard interface for managing your website. However, this ease of use also means that WordPress sites are often targeted by hackers.

One way to help secure your WordPress site is to disable file editing from the dashboard. By default, WordPress allows you to edit theme and plugin files right from the dashboard. This can be handy if you need to make a quick change, but it also presents a major security risk. If a hacker is able to gain access to your WordPress account, they could easily edit these files and inject malicious code into your site.

Disabling file editing is easy to do and only takes a few seconds. Just add the following line of code to your wp-config.Php file:

Define('disallow_file_edit', true);

Once you've added that line of code, save and upload the wp-config.Php file back to your server. That's all there is to it! File editing will now be disabled in the WordPress dashboard for both plugins and themes. 

Monitoring your website activity

​as a website owner, it's important to understand what activity is taking place on your site in order to ensure that everything is running smoothly. There are many different aspects of website activity that you can monitor, and doing so can help you identify potential problems or areas for improvement.

One of the most important things to monitor is web traffic. This includes how many people are visiting your site, where they're coming from, and what pages they're looking at. Checking your web traffic regularly can give you a good idea of how popular your site is and whether or not it's growing.

Another important aspect of website activity to keep an eye on is server performance. This includes uptime (how often your site is online and accessible) and response times (how quickly pages load). Monitoring server performance can help you ensure that your site is always up and running smoothly.

Finally, it's also important to monitor user activity on your site. This includes things like what pages users are visiting, how long they're staying on each page, and what actions they're taking (such as filling out forms or clicking links). User activity data can be incredibly useful for understanding how people use your site and identifying areas for improvement.

Scanning for malware and known vulnerabilities

​as someone who makes a living building and securing WordPress sites, I often get asked: “what’s the best way to scan for malware and known vulnerabilities?” it’s a great question and one that doesn’t have a simple answer. In this post, I’ll share some of the methods I use to keep my clients’ sites safe.

When it comes to scanning for malware and known vulnerabilities, there are two main types of scans: active and passive. Active scans are more intrusive, as they actually attempt to exploit any weaknesses they find. Passive scans simply look for signs that exploitation has already taken place. Generally speaking, you want to run both types of scans on a regular basis.

There are many ways to perform active and passive scans. Some people prefer to do everything manually, while others use automated tools. Personally, I think a combination of both approaches is ideal. Automated tools can be great for quickly identifying common issues, but nothing beats the human eye when it comes to spotting something out of the ordinary.

Blocking unwanted visitors/bots with.Htaccess rules
​blocking unwanted visitors or bots can be a real pain, especially if you don't have the right tools. Thankfully, there is a way to do this using.Htaccess rules. By adding a few simple lines to yours. Htaccess file, you can make sure that only the visitors or bots that you want on your site are able to access it.

One of the most common ways that unwanted visitors or bots get onto websites is by trying to access the WordPress login page. If you're not careful, they can easily guess your username and password and gain access to your site. To prevent this from happening, you can add the following line to yours.Htaccess file:

Authuserfile /dev/null

Authgroupfile /dev/null

Authname "WordPress login protection"

Autotype basic

 Order deny, allow # very important! Apache 2 will otherwise return 403 forbidden

  # whitelist ip addresses allowed to access wp-login.Php: (for example !!! You must change this to your own ip address !!! (or else you will be locked out of your own blog!) if dynamic

Implementing security plugins for enhanced protection
​it is no secret that WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (cms) on the internet. While its popularity is largely due to its ease of use and flexibility, it also makes it a prime target for hackers and other malicious individuals.

That’s why it’s important to take steps to secure your WordPress site. One way to do this is by installing security plugins. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best security plugins for WordPress and how they can help protect your site.

Wordfence security

Wordfence Security is a free plugin that provides a comprehensive set of features to help secure your WordPress site. Among other things, wordfence includes a firewall, malware scanner, live traffic monitoring, and brute force protection. It also includes an option to block ip addresses that are known for malicious activity.

One notable feature of wordfence is its ability to check if any files on your website have been modified without your knowledge. This can be helpful in identifying if your site has been hacked and what files may have been altered or added by a hacker. Overall, wordfence is an excellent choice for securing your WordPress site.

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