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How to Use Google Trends For Content Marketing Success

When conducting keyword research, Google Trends is a surprisingly helpful tool, especially when using the practically invisible advanced search features.

image source: Pixabay

Explore the many Google Trends menus and options to find what seems to be an infinite number of methods to learn more about term search volume. Discover new approaches to maximize the potential of one of Google's key SEO tools.

What Google Trends Is Worth

Despite being accurate, Google Trends does not display the volume of traffic in numerical form. On a scale from 0 to 100, it displays the relative percentages of the total number of searches made.

Paid SEO tools provide traffic volume figures for keywords, unlike Google Trends. However, those figures are merely extrapolations based on a variety of sources, including scraped search results, Google Keyword Planner, and internet traffic data providers.

The clickstream information is often derived from anonymised traffic information collected from users of specific pop-up blockers, browser plugins, and some free antivirus programs. Then, the SEO tools perform a computation based on their best estimation of how this information relates to Google keyword search and visitor volume.

So, despite the fact that professional SEO tools predict keyword traffic, Google Trends' data is based on actual search requests rather than educated guesses.

This is not to argue that paid keyword tools are superior to Google Trends. One can acquire a close approximation of the genuine keyword search volume when utilized in conjunction with paid keyword tools. The keyword data may also be accurately segmented using other Google Trends features, which can be used to find new and trending phrases as well as determine which regions are suitable for marketing campaigns.

Google Trends: How to Use It for SEO

1. Get More Accurate Data By Comparing Keywords

On a scale from 0 to 100, Google Trends presents a relative depiction of traffic. The graph is on a relative scale of zero to one hundred, so you can't really tell if the trend is reflecting hundreds or thousands of keyword searches.

However, when they are contrasted with keywords for which there are known traffic volumes from another keyword phrase, the relative statistics can have more significance. One way to do this is to compare the volume of keyword searches with a term for which accurate traffic statistics, such as those from a PPC campaign, are already known.

There is another approach to find a keyword to utilize for comparison if the term volume is particularly high and you don't already have one. It's not necessary for a comparison keyword to be linked. It may be from an entirely unrelated industry or even be the name of a popular personality. The statistics on overall keyword volume is crucial. Google has a page called Google Trends Daily Trends that displays popular search terms.

The fact that Google gives keyword volumes in figures on this page, such as "100,000+ searches each day," etc., is helpful.

An Illustration Of How To Determine Search Volume

I'll use the query "how to lose weight" as an illustration of how to utilize Google Trends to gain a precise sense of actual search volume. The method I use is to compare the target keyword phrase to known search volumes. On its trending searches page, Google provides search volume information that may be customized to reflect local trends.

The American former football player (keyword phrase [Bret Favre News]) was trending with 20,000+ searches on this specific day (September 22, 2022) and the actress Ana De Armas was trending with 50,000+ searches.

Step 1. How to lose weight is the targeted keyword term that we are looking into.

The target keyword phrase's one-year trend is seen in the screenshot below. To compare all three, but for a 24-hour period, I included the two keyword terms for which we had a near search volume count.

Because the search volume for our comparison terms is trending for this one day, I employ a 24-hour time frame. Between [Ana De Armas] (blue) and [Bret Favre News], our target keyword phrase, marked by a red trend line, is directly in the middle.

According to the comparison above, the keyword volume for the phrase "how to lose weight" is greater than 20,000 but less than 50,000 searches.

The keyword term "Ana De Armas" has a relative search volume of [how to lose weight] that is 50% higher. We can reasonably estimate that the keyword phrase "how to lose weight" has a daily search volume of around 30,000 on an average day, give or take a few thousand, because we know that [Ana De Armas] has a search volume of approximately 50,000+ searches on this specific day and [Bret Favre News] has a search volume of 20,000+ queries on the same day.

Due to Google Trends' ability to display daily highs and lows, the actual figures may be greater. The overall sum is almost certainly higher.

image source: Pixabay

Step: 2.  Discover Insights From Time-based Trends

The keyword data can be seen in one of two main ways: spread out over longer time periods, or compressed over shorter ones.

Long-Term PatternsYou may instruct Google Trends to display traffic patterns going all the way back to 2004. You can use this to see the audience trends. Long-term upward trends: If a trend is steadily increasing, you should concentrate your efforts on developing content for it.

Long-term downward trends may indicate that audience content consumption is changing if the trend line is consistently heading in that direction.

There are numerous causes for declining search patterns. It may be that individuals have lost interest, that attention has moved on, or that the trend is no longer relevant. A good illustration of a downward cycle brought on by a product being replaced by another is the product category of digital cameras. The decline in requests for conventional analog cameras was brought on by the digital camera.

The digital camera industry began to decline with the release of the iPhone. Knowing the direction of the wind might help a content marketer or publisher decide whether to give up on a subject or product category and switch to ones that are on the rise.

Step: 3. Related Topics And Queries

Related Topics and Related Queries are two excellent features of Google Trends.

Topics Search terms with a common theme are called topics. Finding related topics that are becoming more popular can help you understand how an audience or consumer demand is changing. Using this knowledge, you can choose new products or come up with content ideas.

Step: 4. Short-Term Trends Can Bring Massive Traffic

When it comes to capitalizing on quickly shifting search trends, looking at keyword patterns in the short view, such as the 90-day or even 30-day view, can provide insightful information.

Both Google Discover and Google News receive a ton of traffic. Trending search-related topics are linked to Google Discover. In terms of current events, Google News is popular. Understanding the current short-term patterns is beneficial for websites that aim to use any of those traffic routes. One advantage of looking at 30-day and 90-day trends is that you can see which days of the week stand out as being the busiest for certain searches.

It might be helpful to plan when to post specific types of topics so that the information is available when the audience is looking for it by knowing when days of the week interest surges for a given topic.

image source: Pixabay

Step: 5. Keywords By Category

The ability to filter keyword search query results by category subjects is provided by Google Trends.

This offers more precise keyword information. Because it helps you focus your keyword research on the appropriate context, the Categories tab is crucial. If the keyword context is "automobiles," it makes sense to suitably filter Google Trends so that it only displays information relevant to the auto context. You can obtain more precise information about the subjects you are exploring for content within the appropriate context by focusing the Google Trends data by category.

Comparing Google News search trends to YouTube search trends reveals striking differences. This is due to the fact that users of Google News seek out "what" and "how" information.

Finding the right perspective to report a news item is crucial when developing news-related content. It can be helpful to tailor the title to what the readers are most interested in if you are aware of the words "what" or "who" that are most pertinent to a topic. The search query view for the previous 90 days is shown above.

It becomes evident that the "who" type keywords tend to rise in response to current events when the same phrases are searched from a 5-year perspective. The greatest increase in searches for the word "who" occurred in the days following the 2020 presidential election as an illustration of how current events affect trends. The results are refined for each Search Type query in a different way to offer more precise information.

Try the Search Type options instead of the more wide and perhaps noisy "web search" version because the information may be more accurate and valuable.

Unlock Google Trends' Hidden Power

In general, people believe that paid tools are more valuable than free ones. With Google Trends, that isn't always the case. 

In comparison to some search-related data from commercial tools, this article outlines seven techniques to find interesting trends and patterns that are 100% correct. The fact that this paper just scratches the surface of the wealth of knowledge available is particularly noteworthy.

Learn more about combining various search trends to find even more relevant information by looking at Google Trends.

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