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How to Optimize Your WordPress Photography Site for SEO

If you use WordPress, you probably already know how crucial it is to optimize your website for search engines in order to draw in more visitors. We'll provide some advice on how to use WordPress to boost your SEO in this piece.

For those of you who use WordPress for your photography website, I wanted to write this article because there have been a few recent small changes to the platform.

Additionally, we'll go over the value of using keywords and backlinks and show you some practical applications for both. Be sure to read on for some useful advice whether you're just getting started with WordPress or you've been using it for a while.

I also want to point out that while I touch on these suggestions, each one obviously merits a separate guide. So be sure to leave a comment if you'd like me to go into further detail on a certain tip in a separate guide!

image source: Pixabay

Step: 1. Enable HTTPS on your site

Enabling HTTPS is one of the most crucial things you can do to enhance your site's SEO. This makes sure that users can trust your website and that it is secure. Additionally, Google has declared that they favor websites that support HTTPS.

You must install a plugin like Really Simple SSL in order to activate HTTPS on your WordPress website. All you have to do is navigate to Settings > SSL and confirm that the "Enable SSL" option is selected after installing and activating the plugin.

This explains why, whenever you visited a website, it said "Not Secure" next to the URL.

Step: 2. Check Your Page Speed

Your Core Web Vitals is a new concept from Google. These are essentially website metrics that Google likes to examine in order to inform its machine learning algorithms about how quickly and satisfactorily a page loads for a user.
If your website is slow, both your visitors' and SEO's experiences will be negatively impacted.
You can check your score by selecting a few different pages from your website and pasting them into Google Pagespeed Insights. It would be difficult to cover all optimizations in this article, so I might do so in a future article with a page-speed improvement guide. Please drop a comment if this is something you'd like to read.

Step: 3. Internal and External Links

When you link to other articles you've authored, that is an internal link. They are helpful for enhancing your site's crawlability and for enhancing the user experience, both of which are crucial for SEO.

image source: Pixabay

Additionally, linking to other websites can assist your SEO. An external link or backlink is what you use to connect to another website. Backlinks are significant because they demonstrate that other websites see your website as trustworthy.

You can ask other website owners to link to your site in order to obtain backlinks. Additionally, you can write a guest post for other websites and link back to your own website in the author profile.
You can use my preferred natural link building technique, which entails providing excellent content and letting others link to it naturally, if you don't like the hard labour of outreach.

You may raise the position of your website in search engine results pages by using these SEO tips. This will support the expansion of your firm by bringing in additional customers.

Step: 4. Use an SEO plugin

Utilizing an SEO plugin is a fantastic additional strategy for enhancing your website's SEO. Although there are many different SEO plugins available, RankMath is my top pick. It is a simple-to-use, free plugin with features including social network integration, keyword optimization, and XML sitemaps.

Search for "RankMath" in the Plugins area of your WordPress dashboard to install RankMath. Select it, then click "Install" and "Activate."

It's crucial to note that downloading an SEO plugin does not immediately increase your site's SEO, which I believe some people don't realize. You can enhance your site's SEO by using the options and capabilities the SEO plugin offers, such as the capacity to produce XML Sitemaps and creating a robots.txt file, and ability to edit metadata on page/post level.

image source: Pixabay

Step: 5. Use keywords strategically

After setting up your permalinks, you can begin incorporating keywords into your articles and pages. A keyword is a word or phrase that readers might use to find your material online. For instance, "landscape photography," "landscape images," and "landscape photographer" are some keywords you would wish to include if you're a landscape photographer.
You can use Google AdWords Keyword Planner to learn what search terms people are using to find your content. Just a few of your prospective keywords can be entered into the program, and it will provide the number of searches for each one.
Use keywords not only in your content but also in your title and the alt text of your images. When someone visits your website, the title is what is displayed at the top of the browser, so be sure it contains keywords that appropriately describe the content. Including keywords in the alt text—the text that appears when a mouse is moved over an image—can also help you draw in more visitors.
One important point to keep in mind is that you should only target one keyword per page to avoid creating duplicate content, which is negative. I like to use the scenario where you offer both shoes and shoelaces as an example. As a result of the fact that they are two different keywords, you wouldn't want to target them both on the same page. 

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