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How To Get Ideas For Your Blog

Posts on blogs, blogs, and more blogs. Every year, I swear, there are more blog ideas emerging from thin air. You have a plethora of options, including list posts, how-to guides, review posts, case study posts, and much more. I want to provide you a ton of blog post ideas that you can try out in this lengthy list post. You might be familiar with some of these blog post concepts and unfamiliar with others.

Let's get started with the complete list of the best blog ideas without further ado.

Here are the Best Blog Ideas and Topics:

How to Guides:

How-to guides are articles that provide information but are primarily educational in nature. By providing detailed directions, they lead the audience in resolving issues or achieving objectives.

Since the majority of internet users are eager to learn about new things, these posts are incredibly popular.

To satisfy these interests of the targeted visitors, you may write a "How-to Guide." Additionally, it offers a chance to showcase your unique practical expertise to a huge audience.

To offer a more individualized experience, how-to guides can also be found as tutorials. For instance, "How to Make Smokey Eyes."

If you already have first-hand expertise with the topic, generating the material is quite simple because you are essentially sharing your own firsthand understanding of the procedure. Additionally, it can assist novice bloggers in generating organic search traffic.

Think on the following ideas when writing how-to guides:

1. Make sure your language is "strong" and "concise" to convey your subject's authority. Say "Go to the option" rather than "You should go to the option," for instance.
2. To ensure that your material is understood by everyone, write in informal, straightforward English.
3. Avoid using generic headlines and break your stages and subheadings in the proper order.
4. To make your guide easy to follow, use bulleted lists.
5. Use brief, active sentences when writing.
6. To add relevant keywords, perform keyword research.
7. To explain the process, use images, screenshots, and videos.
image source: Pixabay

List Posts

A list post, also known as a listicle, is a blog post that includes a variety of items. These posts—which you might even refer to as numbered list posts—focus on a list of points. In actuality, the article you're reading right now is a list article.

To draw multi-tasking audiences who are too busy to read the complete content, employ numbered lists. These posts make it simpler for readers to scan the titles and get the gist of the article from only the headlines.

Additionally, list postings may become popular online and boost your organic search rankings. Simply do some research on the stats that your rivals are offering, then beat them for your own articles.
A list post, commonly referred to as a listicle, is a blog post that contains a number of different things. These articles, which you could even call numbered list articles, concentrate on a list of points. What you're reading right now is actually a list article.

Use numbered lists to engage audiences who multitask and don't have time to read the entire text. These articles make it easier for readers to skim the titles and get the main idea of the piece based solely on the headlines.
List postings may also gain traction online and improve your organic search rankings. Just do some study on the statistics that your competitors are providing, and then outperform them for your own articles.

Use concise paragraphs and consistent H1–H4 headings.
Long list posts should be divided into subsections to make them easier to browse.
Create a catchy and alluring headline. Do your homework on keywords, and give your headlines the appropriate power words.

Five home energy-saving strategies.

There are seven surefire techniques to improve your blog.
25 natural techniques to get rid of sunburn.
The top 55 free email marketing tools to increase your subscriber count.

If you want to make money blogging, you only need to write How-to Guides and List Posts. List Posts list out items or tips in a non-chronological order, whereas How-to Guides go through steps in chronological order to accomplish an end goal.

Experiential Posts

Posts that assist readers relate to the author's personal life are experiential posts or personal stories. Sharing relatable stories will help you engage your audience and create an emotional connection, keeping their interest for a longer period of time.

Writing posts that are emotive and experiential can benefit from having excellent storytelling abilities. Personal narratives frequently help readers feel less alone in their challenges or emotions, which promotes brand affinity.

To engage your audience on a more personal level, for instance, consider sharing your struggle with overcoming a disorder. Other instances include discussing triumphs in the workplace, pleasant experiences from a trip, enjoyable moments from going to a cultural event, etc.
Keep your audience on the edge of their seats when delivering a personal narrative. To keep them reading until the very end of the story, you must make it compelling.

Depending on your story, you might be able to draw readers in just with your headline. For instance, you might be enticed to read more if you see a title that reads, "How I Left My Cushy Job to Earn a Million Dollars a Year."

To writing personal or experiential posts, remember to:
To keep them interested, attempt to generate some sort of emotion.
Sketch out the issue you're sharing to start.
Mention a key lesson learned.
By providing images and specific details, a vivid scene can be portrayed.


Interviews are another approach to give content more credibility. Reaching out to industry leaders and asking them a series of questions regarding subjects that your audience would find valuable is required for interview-based blogs.

Posts from interviews offer extra details that serve as reliable proof of the subjects covered in the blog. They are a terrific approach to produce marketing material if you don't have the time to write it yourself, which is another benefit.

Interviews frequently reveal unique experiences, which can provide as inspiration for target audiences when writing experiential blogs. Interviewing sportsmen to learn about their personal challenges or a successful blogger to learn about his journey to success are two examples.
You can interview anyone to add knowledgeable perspective to specialized issues, from coworkers to business leaders.

Sending experts a list of the questions you want to ask can be the best approach to get in touch with them. Alternatives to unanswered emails include social networking.

Remember, though, that blogs based on interviews will come across as interesting as the questions you pose. Only fascinating questions will elicit interesting replies, which will produce an interesting post.

Avoid asking popular questions that have been well covered.

For instance, ask something like, "Walk me through the step-by-step approach that you took to reach where you are today," rather than, "Did you begin with a business strategy."
Other advice for writing posts based on interviews is provided here:
  • Make small conversation to open the interview.
  • Make sure the interviewee is aware of the interview's audience.
  • Make an effort to plan and carry out live interviews.
  • Make a list of content ideas for a cheat sheet. It should also state the location of the interview.
  • Introduce the interviewee at the beginning of your post.

image source: Pixabay

Ultimate Guides

In-depth, multi-chapter ultimate guides are available for viewers looking for in-depth knowledge and direction on a given subject. You must conduct in-depth study and consult numerous different blogs to get information in order to produce quality ultimate guides.

When the conclusions drawn from research are supported with numerical data, images, infographics, etc., they appear more credible.

Since you'll be covering a wide range of topics in a single blog, using ultimate guides can also help you rank in search engines for numerous keywords.

Start by deciding on a topic, making a template for the precise chapters or subtopics you'll include, and gathering inspiration from various sources. Utilize Google Analytics to conduct competitive analysis and add more sub-topics than your rivals.

Comparison Posts

Comparison posts are blog entries that evaluate two or more items side by side to assist readers in selecting the product that is best for them. Comparison posts are a fantastic method to use affiliate marketing to make money as well.

Obviously, these topics call for more thorough investigation and evaluation of the products you're evaluating. Keeping track of every product in your sector is crucial if you want to know which ones are in high demand right now.

The audiences who already have a basic understanding of the products are mostly served by these pieces. They are mostly looking for details that will shape their opinions and aid them in making the best decision possible.
When creating comparison posts, it's important to review products that serve the same purposes and fall into a comparable price range.

For instance, it makes little sense to compare the iPhone to the budget Redmi phone. It wouldn't draw a lot of traffic either. On the other hand, it would make more sense to compare a high-end iPhone to a high-end Samsung phone.

Here are some other pointers to remember while writing comparative posts:

1. List the features and specs you'll be contrasting throughout the article.
2. Mention the product USPs and commonalities.
3. Compare each feature before making a decision.
4. Graphs and screenshots can help you illustrate your points.
5. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages for each tool you are comparing.
6. Make a comparison table to provide a brief summary. Likewise, contrast their price structures.
7. To create an organic search for posts, keywords like "vs.", "versus," "comparison," etc. must be added.

Contrarian Perspective.

A contrarian stance typically involves having a unique or contentious point of view on a subject. For instance, the opposite post would be "Should You Really Start a Blog?" if the topic was "how to start a blog."

These postings have a good probability of going viral because they offer a novel alternative to the existing regular posts. Curiosity usually leads to people clicking on these posts, which will increase your number of comments, social shares, and backlinks.
The fact that opposing viewpoints have a contagious impact is another factor contributing to the success of "Contrarian Posts." Viewers will click on the header whether or not they agree with the topic.

The titles of these articles also contain a surprise element, which draws readers' attention.

We've covered the topics that, in my opinion, make for the best blog posts, so let's move on to some more that don't require as much explanation.

Ideas for Blog Posts Based on Engagement or Statistics.

  • Create surveys to learn about the preferences of your clients.
  • Offer techniques or ideas for improving the attractiveness of email messages.
  • Posts about cutting-edge sales, SEO, or marketing strategies should be created. You may also invite readers to contribute other ideas that you might have missed in the blog.
  • Make case studies based on two distinct approaches and demonstrate the effects of each. Customers can select between two options in the comments section.
  • Interview small company founders to learn about their personal experiences that enabled them to grow their companies. Additionally, you can develop FAQs depending on the interview.
  • Rate the newest, best web series and marketing tools.
  • sharing marketing tactics using case studies of many well-known brands.
  • Compile illustrations of User Generated Content (UGC) initiatives that have gone viral.
  • Create a giveaway contest and blog post about it.
  • Organize all the marketing-related statistics into an infographic, then write a blog post about it.
  • Create a single post by combining the statistics from several posts.

Blog entries based on the newest or most popular or Trending topics.

  • Share the specifics of your experimentation with new tactics, dietary supplements, adventure sports, and more.
  • Share the most recent marketing courses for new marketers or new fusion eateries in the area of your target market.
  • Discuss ways to include fresh tactics into your marketing approach. Or, depending on your specialty, you may provide suggestions for beginning a new diet.
  • A step-by-step procedure to show off a new feature in an automation or marketing application.
  • Make a list of the unpopular jobs that can help you generate a respectable passive income by doing your research.
  • The trendiest design templates with the best aesthetics should be the subject of your research and posting.
  • Write about upcoming bloggers and influencers in your industry or conduct a Q&A with a professional in the field.

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