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3 Times I Tried to Conquer WordPress (and What Finally Worked)

I spent the first two years of my blogging career using Tumblr. The platform suited me well, and it was easy to use - but I missed some of the functionality that WordPress provided, such as themes and plugins. So I tried to make the switch - three times! The first two attempts were complete failures and resulted in my site going down and me feeling dejected and confused, but eventually I learned what I was doing wrong and managed to conquer WordPress with my third try. Here’s how you can too!

What is WordPress?

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that enables you to start from scratch when building a website or blog or to enhance an already existing one. It is free and accessible on a variety of operating systems, such as Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. WordPress is simple to use and adaptable to your needs. Plugins can be used to add features, and the WordPress Theme Editor can be used to create a theme.

How to get started with WordPress

If you've tried WordPress before and either started it or failed, this guide is for you. I'll explain how to use WordPress, respond to regularly asked questions, and assist you in solving any obstacles that may arise.

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First things first: What is WordPress?

WordPress is a content management system (CMS) that allows you to start from scratch when creating a website or blog or to improve an already existing one. Anyone wishing to start a website or blog will find it to be an excellent option because it is free and simple to use.

The next step is to either build a new site or add to an existing one after you have downloaded and installed WordPress. Click the "Create New Site" button on the dashboard's home screen to get started. The "New Site Wizard" screen will then appear. Enter a name for your site (such as my site) and choose a location (such as your computer) on this screen before clicking the "Create Site" button at the bottom.

You'll need to set up some basic information about your site once it's been built. Make a username and password selection for your site as your initial step.

1) When I first tried to use WordPress...

When I first tried to use WordPress, the sheer number of options and bells and whistles was overwhelming. There are so many free themes to choose from, but they all seemed like a lot of work and not very much style. Plus, it felt like there were too many plugins I would need to install in order for everything to work properly. 

When I finally conquered WordPress. (five sentences)] 

The key is figuring out what you want your site's purpose/theme is going to be. Then you can start getting the tools you'll need; choosing a theme, installing plugins, creating pages with content that lets people know what your business does or offers. Once that's done, you can get creative!

2) The second time I used WordPress...

The second time I tried to conquer WordPress, things were going well. My site was up and running, I had a few posts published and everything seemed fine. But after a few days of tinkering around with settings that weren't working, not being able to find plugins that would work the way they were supposed to, and just straight out feeling frustrated with the whole thing... I gave up. And then my site crashed and burned before my very eyes.

3) The third time I tried WordPress..

When it comes to blogging and running a small website, there's no one-size-fits all solution. However, the one thing that has stuck with me is the importance of choosing a platform wisely. In my experience, WordPress has been an excellent choice for those who are just starting out and want something free and relatively simple to manage. My first foray into blogging was with Tumblr, which while certainly not difficult, was just a lot more hands on than I anticipated. The second time around I tried a self-hosted blog with Wix because it seemed like the best of both worlds--it offered plenty of templates but still had some SEO capabilities through articles you wrote yourself.

Publishing your first post

I'll show you how to get started with WordPress, answer common questions, and help you conquer any challenges that may come your way. 

1. The first time I tried using WordPress was when it first came out and this was back in the day when blogs were still a thing. Trying to figure it out back then felt like trying to find my way through a maze. Remember the days when they didn't give us maps? 

2. The next time was just last year because I got sick of maintaining my own site on SquareSpace and wanted something that looked prettier and was easier to customize than what they offered there. I had never used Squarespace before so learning how to use it was an uphill battle in itself, but I eventually got things figured out for the most part. The main problem for me was that it took me forever to actually publish my posts; every single change would take 10 minutes or more just to upload and add all of the tags, titles, descriptions etc. So even though WordPress seemed easy enough at first glance, I also ran into many other issues down the line and wasn't able to get past them no matter what I tried. 

3. Eventually what finally worked for me was hiring a designer who is well-versed in both Squarespace AND WordPress - someone who could work on both platforms without much fussing around.

Configuring WordPress

1. Find the domain you want and create a hosting account. 2. Install WordPress on your hosting account. 3. Decide if you want a blog or website, then install the appropriate theme on your site. 4. Select a plug-in for the type of site you want (for example: social media). 5. Add some content and make it look pretty! That's all there is to getting started with WordPress. Now onto those common questions...

Troubleshooting WordPress

WordPress is a powerful platform that makes it easy for people of all skill levels to get up and running with their own website. However, when something goes wrong, the frustration can be intense. Luckily, help is available in many forms if you know where to look. I've compiled a few tips from my experience and from other WordPress experts that will help you troubleshoot your way through any problem you might face along the way.

1- Check for outdated plugins - Plugins are an important part of any site's functionality, but they aren't always updated as quickly as they should be due to developer schedules or other factors. If a plugin breaks because it hasn't been updated in a while, it could lead to more problems on your site.


I've finally conquered WordPress. It wasn't easy, but it's worth it. You can do this too!

If you are looking for professional WordPress developers, then this is the place to be. For a great price, you can hire WordPress developers on Fiverr to help with your projects. These developers have a wide range of experience and skills, so you can find someone who is perfect for your needs.

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